
  • Armenia

    contact person :
  • Australia


    contact person :
  • Austria

    The project aiming at identifying and describing medieval Hebrew fragments in Austrian libraries and archives was initiated in 1992 by Prof. Ferdinand Dexinger (University of Vienna), in cooperation with the Austrian Academy of Science. Out of the estimated 3000 fragments, some 1.500 fragments have been digitized, around 800 are already published at the website ( Since October 2008 the project is run by Prof. Martha Keil (Institute for Jewish History in Austria).

  • Belgium

  • Canada

  • Czech Republic

    Some 600 fragments, mainly from ecclesiastical archives, have been identified so far by a project under the responsibility of Daniel Polakovic from the Jewish Museum in Prague. Some fragments are included in the database of manuscripts in Czech collections. Important discoveries have been made in Moravia where Dr Tamas Visi from the Kabinet Judaistiky (Centre for Jewish Studies) at Palacky University, Olomouc has undertaken to to search systematically for Hebrew fragments in book bindings.

  • Denmark

  • Egypt

  • France

    Some 400 fragments of Hebrew manuscripts have been identified so far in French collections. However, a systematic search in all the collections is still a desideratum. The French project is carried out under the responsibility of Judith Olszowy-Schlanger ( EPHE and IRHT/CNRS), who has also undertaken a partial search for the fragments in Switzerland and Great Britain.

  • Germany

    The systematic search for the fragments and their cataloguing and publication (with a project of a website) is carried out by a research team under the responsibility of Prof. Andreas Lehnardt, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz. Some 3000 fragments of Hebrew manuscripts have been identified. Last year, the project received a substantial funding from the DFG, mainly to cover the salaries of research assistants.

    Links to the project : Genizat Germania
  • Hungary

    Over one hundred and seventy medieval Hebrew fragments from bookbindings found in various Hungarian collections were published (Scheiber, 1969). Further discoveries were made since by the new project initiated by Dr Tamas Turan with the technical support of the research centre Fragmenta Codicum of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The Hungarian project proposes to extend the research to some neighbouring areas in Ukraine, Romania, Serbia and Croatia.

  • Ireland

  • Israel

    The National Library of Israel holds a collection of many hundreds of fragments of Hebrew manuscripts, used as a secondary use in bindings. While most of the collection is made of Oriental or Yemenite fragments, it contains more than 100 European bindings from the 12th Century and on, which are part of the BwB project. No systematic search has been conducted in the NLI's rich collection of incunabula and early books. However, the Library holds important bindings collections, such as those of Nechemiah Allony and Ezra Gorodetzky. 

  • Italy

    The study and publication of the largest of the European collections of the fragments (estimated 15000 fragments) has been carried out for the past twenty five years by the 'Italian Genizah' project. Various universities and archives are involved in the project which already resulted in publication of several catalogues and monographs on Hebrew fragments. Its head is Prof. Mauro Perani, University of Bologna, Dipartimento di Storie e Metodi per la Conservazione dei Beni Culturali, Ravenna. The project has been largely funded by the state as far as the salaries of researchers are concerned.

    contact person :
  • Lithuania

  • Luxemburg

  • Netherlands

  • Norway

  • Poland

    110 fragments have been identified so far in the Jagellonian Library of the University of Cracow and in Czartoryski Museum in Cracow. The project has started as collaboration between the Department of Jewish Studies of the Jagellonian University, the Jagellonian University Library and the EPHE in Paris, under the responsibility of Dr Monika Jaglarz, Jagellonian Library. A systematic search for the fragments is projected in the ecclesiastical archives in Cracow, in University, Public Library, and Ossoli_ski National Institute Library in Wroclaw (where several dozens of fragments have already been noted) and Warsaw and, if the access is granted, in Archbishopric archives in Gniezno and Tarnow.

    contact person :
    • Department of Jewish Studies/ Jagiellonian University of Cracow

      contact person : Michal Galas, Leszek Hońdo
  • Portugal

  • Romania

  • Russia

  • San Marino Republic

  • Slovak Republic

  • Slovenia

  • Spain

    Hundreds of Hebrew and Aljamiado book and documents fragments and documents are found in collections throughout Spain. Many fragments have been known since the early 20th C. and described in scattered publications, many new sources have been identified recently. A systematic study of some of the fragments collections was initiated by the late JosŽ L. Lacave (former Arias Montano Institute at the CSIC) and by David Romano (Universidad de Barcelona), who concentrated on the publication of those of historical documentary content (1997, see: In recent years, spectacular discoveries were for instance made in the state archives of Gerona (State, Municipal and Cathedral Archives), where some estimated 2000 paper fragments were glued together to create cardboard book covers. A first inventory and digitalization of some 600 Gerona fragments is underway. The research in various other collections is carried out as collaboration between Spanish and Catalan scholars and institutions, under the responsibility of Dr Javier Casta–o, of the CSIC in Madrid.

    Research in the collections of the Archivo Histórico Nacional (Madrid), Biblioteca de Montserrat (Barcelona), Biblioteca de Catalunya (Barcelona) and other archives and libraries in Spain, where dozens of Hebrew fragments have been found, is being carried out by Javier del Barco (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).

  • Sweden

  • Switzerland

    Justine Isserles

    contact person :
  • United Kingdom

    No systematic search for the fragments in British collections has been undertaken in the past. Recently, the search for the fragments is carried on by Judith Olszowy-Schlanger and the French team in collaboration with the British Library and the Cairo Genizah Research Unit, Cambridge. An important part of the British project is the connection between the Cairo Genizah Collections and the fragments found in the bindings: a recent survey carried in the Cambridge University Library revealed that several dozens of fragments which were thought to emanate from the Cairo Genizah actually come from bindings of Spanish manuscripts. The development of the British part of the project is one of our priorities, given the numbers of Latin and other manuscripts in British collections and the undeniable interest and diversity of the fragments found and published so far.

  • United States of America, California

  • United States of America, Connecticut

  • United States of America, District of Columbia

  • United States of America, Illinois

  • United States of America, Maryland

  • United States of America, Massachusetts

    • Houghton Library - Harvard College Library

  • United States of America, Minnesota

  • United States of America, New Jersey

  • United States of America, New York

  • United States of America, Ohio

  • United States of America, Oregon

  • United States of America, Pennsylvania

  • United States of America, Texas

  • unknown

    fragments trouvés et dont la provenance n'est pas identifiés

  • Vatican City State


ERC Synergy MiDRASH (Grant N° 101071829) Call for Applications Two Doctoral or Post-Doctoral Research Contracts in Medieval Hebrew Palaeography

Monday January 20, 2025

The École Pratique des Hautes Études, PSL-University in Paris, France, is inviting candidates for two Doctoral scholarships in the field of Hebrew Palaeography and Manuscript Studies. The successful candidates will prepare their doctorate at the EPHE, PSL, under the supervision of Professor Judith Olszowy-Schlanger and will join the team led by her in the framework of the ERC Synergy project MiDRASH (Migrations of Textual and Scribal Traditions via Large-Scale Computational Analysis of Medieval Manuscripts in Hebrew Script).

We invite doctoral/post-doctoral proposals on individual topics within the following broader fields:

  • Palaeography 1: “Medieval Hebrew Liturgical Manuscripts: Between France and Germany”
  • Palaeography 2: “The Mishnah, the Talmud and their Commentaries: Codicology, Palaeography and Book History”

Application deadline: 30 April 2025 Midnight, Central European Summer Time

Les Mélanges offerts à Mauro Perani

Friday January 10, 2025

 sua fata fragmenta", Europeaun Genizah Texts and studies , volume 7, 
dans la collection Studies in Jewish History and Culture, volume 76, vient de paraître chez Brill.