Poland, partner of the Hebrew Fragments in European Libraries project

110 fragments have been identified so far in the Jagellonian Library of the University of Cracow and in Czartoryski Museum in Cracow. The project has started as collaboration between the Department of Jewish Studies of the Jagellonian University, the Jagellonian University Library and the EPHE in Paris, under the responsibility of Dr Monika Jaglarz, Jagellonian Library. A systematic search for the fragments is projected in the ecclesiastical archives in Cracow, in University, Public Library, and Ossoli_ski National Institute Library in Wroclaw (where several dozens of fragments have already been noted) and Warsaw and, if the access is granted, in Archbishopric archives in Gniezno and Tarnow.

contact person :

Institutions and researchers

  • Department of Jewish Studies/ Jagiellonian University of Cracow

    contact person : Michal Galas, Leszek Hońdo
  • Biblioteka Jagiellońska / Jagellonian University Library

    contact person : Monika Jaglarz
  • Department of Jewish Studies, University of Wroclaw

    contact person : Marcin Wodzinski


ERC Synergy MiDRASH (Grant N° 101071829) Call for Applications Two Doctoral or Post-Doctoral Research Contracts in Medieval Hebrew Palaeography

Monday January 20, 2025

The École Pratique des Hautes Études, PSL-University in Paris, France, is inviting candidates for two Doctoral scholarships in the field of Hebrew Palaeography and Manuscript Studies. The successful candidates will prepare their doctorate at the EPHE, PSL, under the supervision of Professor Judith Olszowy-Schlanger and will join the team led by her in the framework of the ERC Synergy project MiDRASH (Migrations of Textual and Scribal Traditions via Large-Scale Computational Analysis of Medieval Manuscripts in Hebrew Script).

We invite doctoral/post-doctoral proposals on individual topics within the following broader fields:

  • Palaeography 1: “Medieval Hebrew Liturgical Manuscripts: Between France and Germany”
  • Palaeography 2: “The Mishnah, the Talmud and their Commentaries: Codicology, Palaeography and Book History”

Application deadline: 30 April 2025 Midnight, Central European Summer Time

Les Mélanges offerts à Mauro Perani

Friday January 10, 2025

 sua fata fragmenta", Europeaun Genizah Texts and studies , volume 7, 
dans la collection Studies in Jewish History and Culture, volume 76, vient de paraître chez Brill.