Diletta Biagini
PhD Student in JEWISH STUDIES, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, joint PhD program with Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris.
Education and Training
2017 – 2020
PhD Student in JEWISH STUDIES, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna.
I attended the course of “Paleography and Jewish Codicology” by the Professor Judith Schlanger and Professor Mauro Perani at the Laboratory of Epigraphy and Jewish Codicology of the Department of Cultural Heritage, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna on 24- 26 September 2018.
I attended the Summer School “Pikassim Ashkenazi” organized at the Central European University of Budapest.
I attended the course of “Paleography and Jewish Codicology” by the Professor Judith Schlanger and Professor Mauro Perani at the Laboratory of Epigraphy and Jewish Codicology of the Department of Cultural Heritage, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna on 24- 27 October 2017.
I attended the Modern Hebrew course at the University of Haifa, following the MAE scholarship for the Ulpan in Israel (July 2017).
Second Master’s Degree (temporarily suspended, expected at the end of the PhD in 2020) Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, School of LETTERS and CULTURAL HERITAGE LM- 5 –Master’s Degree in Archivistics and Librarianship.
I attended the course of “Paleography and Jewish Codicology” by the Professor Judith Schlanger and Professor Mauro Perani at the Laboratory of Epigraphy and Jewish Codicology of the Department of Cultural Heritage, Alma Mater Studiorum -University of Bologna on 19- 20 September 2016.
I attended the course of “Paleography and Jewish Codicology” by the Professor Judith Schlanger and Professor Mauro Perani at the Laboratory of Epigraphy and Jewish Codicology of the Department of Cultural Heritage, Alma Mater Studiorum -University of Bologna on 19- 20 September 2016.
Master Degree (2 years) obtained on 11/11/2015 Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, School of LETTERS and CULTURAL HERITAGE LM -2 – Master’s Degree in Archeology. Course name: MASTER’S DEGREE COURSE IN RESEARCH, DOCUMENTATION AND PROTECTION OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL GOODS. Final vote: 110/110 with honors.
Title: The plague of 1630 in Modena through the analysis of parish registers and anthropological analysis of the remains of Park Novi Sad. Subject: Anthropology Laboratory.
I attended the Summer School “Osteology and Anthropology” –International Summer School in Pontestura (AL) on 14 -19 July 2014; by Cristina Cattaneo, professor at the Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health at the University of Milan.
I attended the Summer School “Osteoarchaeology and Paleopathology” at the University of Pisa, from 23 June to 11 July 2014.
I partecipated at the “Human Osteology short Cours” at the Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield; and at “Understanding Zooarchaeology I: short course for archaeology and heritage professionals” at the Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffild; April 2014.
I attented at “Enterprise University Cultural Heritage”, for the promotion of business culture.
Bachelor’s Degree (3 years) obtained on 19/07/2013 Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, School of LETTERS and CULTURAL HERITAGE L- 42 –Degree in History. Course name: HISTORY. Final vote: 103/110.
Title: Laura Martinozzi d'Este and the marble altarpiece for the Visitation monastery of Aix-en-Provence. Subject: History of Modern Art.
Maturity of applied art, obtained in 2008, Adolfo Venturi Institute of Art in Modena. Final vote: 86/100.
Work Experience
I cooperate on “Books within Books project”, to Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, City of Vatican.
I collaborated in the organization of the exhibition on Monaldo and Giacomo Leopardi in the Estensi lands, entitled “Il magnanimo vecchio e il giovane favoloso (The magnanimous old man and the fabulous young man)” in Modena.
I wrote historical reports for conservation and restoration work on buildings in Modena and the province for Ingegneri Riuniti s.p.a, Modena.
I wrote historical reports for conservation and restoration work on buildings in modena and the province for the restorer Letizia Riccovolti, Modena.
• I published the article “La confraternita ebraica modenese Pirqe Sirah e i suoi statuti (The Modenese Jewish brotherhood Pirqe Sirah and its statutes)” on “Materia Giudaica. Rivista dell’associazione italiana per lo studio del giudaismo (2017 -2018)” pp. 447-454.
• I published the article “La peste a Modena nel 1630. Attraverso lo studio dei registri parrocchiali e dei resti umani (The plague in Modena in 1630. Through the study of parish registers and human remains)”, on Atti e Memorie, Aedes Muratoriana, Modena (2018) pp. 279-298.
• I published the book “La peste a Modena nel 1630. Attraverso lo studio dei registri parrocchiali e dei resti umani (The plague in Modena in 1630. Through the study of parish registers and human remains)”, edited by Terra e Identità (2017).
• I published the article “Gli ebrei di Modena durante la peste e quelli espulsi da Mantova nel 1630” on “Materia Giudaica. Rivista dell’associazione italiana per lo studio del giudaismo XX-XXI (2015 -2016)” pp. 431-437.
• I edited the book “Monaldo e Giacomo Leopardi nelle terre estensi” published by Terra e Identità (2016).
• I collaborated on the article “En Marbre & Iaspe precieux. L’altare per la Visitazione di Aix-en-Provence commissionato da Laura Martinozzi d’Este (1661-1665)”, by Sonia Cavicchioli (professor of History of Modern Art at the Alma Mater Studiorum –University of Bologna), in “Arte nei Monasteri, arte per i Monasteri”, edited by Sonia Cavicchioli and Vincenzo Vandelli (2016).
• I collaborated on the book “L’Aquila e ‘l Pardo. Rinaldo I e il mecenatismo di casa d’Este nel Seicento”, by Sonia Cavicchioli (professor of History of Modern Art at the Alma Mater Studiorum –University of Bologna) (2015).
• I attended the VI Congress of AISG, Ravenna, Italy (September 2018), with an intervention titled The female Brotherhood So‘ed Holim of Modena, through the study of its pinqasim in XVII-XVIII century.
• I attended the XI Congress of European Association for Jewish Studies in Krakow, Poland (July 2018), with an intervention titled The history of the Jewish Brotherhoods of Modena in the Modern Age