Chiara Benini

Phd at Fondazione Collegio San Carlo of Modena joint PhD program with Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris.


July 2018 -August 2018

Intensive Spoken Biblical Hebrew Course (completely held in Hebrew) ב level

Pontifical Holy Cross University, Rome

Hebrew Language [votazione 90/100].

Biblical Hebrew [votazione 90/100].


March 2017-

Phd at Fondazione Collegio San Carlo of Modena.

Project title: The death in the Judaism of the modern age: conception, rites and anthropology in Aaron Berechiah ben Moses of Modena, in his cousin Leo of Modena and in the jewish Modena society between the XVII and the XIX century.

March- June 2016

Postgraduate year at Fondazione Collegio San Carlo of Modena


September 2014- February 2015

Academy credits in Hebrew

Alma Mater Studiorum sede di Ravenna, Departement of Cultural Heritage

Hebrew language 12 CFU [30L /30].

Identity and Jewish culture in the modern and contemporary world 6 CFU [30L /30].


July 2014 -August 2014

Intensive Spoken Biblical Hebrew Course (completely held in Hebrew)

Pontifical Holy Cross University, Rome

Hebrew Language [votazione 90/100].

Biblical Hebrew [votazione 90/100].


October 2010- March 2013

Master Degree in Modern Philology (medieval curriculum)

University of Padua

Thesis: “Bovo of Antona: the manuscript of the Laurenziana Library

of Florence Laurenziana Med. Pal. XCIII”. [vote of degree: 108/110].


November 2010- Jenuary 2011

B course “Proficientes” at “Paleographic autumn” at Veneta Societas for the religion history in Padua.

Reading and translation of notarial deeds and ecclesiastical latin documents during the medieval period.


October 2005- June 2009

Bachelors degree in Modern Humanities, philological curriculum, University of Ferrara.

Thesis: “Linguistic aspects of the dispute Salviati-Tasso on the Gerusalemme Liberata”.

[vote of degree: 110/110].


September 2000- June 2005

Secondary school-leaving certificate in classical subject

Secondary school Ludovico Ariosto, Ferrara [mark: 90/100].




Native language: ITALIAN

English A2/B1

German A2

French A2

Russian A1/A2



Good ability to be a team player:

Team’s job promoted by the on-line news paper called “Occhiaperti” with the contribute of Ferrara Municipality during the academic year 2014-2015. The title of the project: “Digital child: the promotion of digital education covering the proper management of tools in the social networks.

Designing and implementing of a Didactic laboratory of history called “Inquisition period: crucial aspects of the production and censorship of the manuscripts and books”, place in the Junior secondary school in Goro Municipality during the scolastic year 2013- 2014.

November 2014- march2015: lead two laboratories of creative writing in collaboration with the cultural association Traces of art, Fiscaglia, Ferrara.




Use of operational systems: windows and mac.

Programs: office packet.

  • Management two facebook profiles: one of the association Pro Delta of Po and the second one of the committee of twinship of Fiscaglia municipality).
  • European project manager course by AICCRE Emilia Romagna. November 2014 Salsomaggiore: Key Action Europe for citizen. November 2014 Ravenna: ERASMUS plus program.  February 2015 Arceto di Scandiano: CREATIVE EUROPE.


From 1999 to 2005: Rowing.

The best placing: silver medal in the national junior championship speciality coxless woman pair, silver medal in the national championship lightweight woman's coxless pair, 4th placing in the European championship under 18 Junior women's quad.


Linguistic assistance: 2013-2014 linguistic assistance for russian and ukrainian young woman to compile documents to get residence permits.



  • Bibliography of the themanuscript Med. Pal. XCIII of the Laurenziana Library in Florence, about the poem Bovo of Antona in the canadian repertoire Arlima
  • Benini C., Leone Modena e la sua versione di parti dell’Orlando Furioso dell’Ariosto. Per una nuova ricerca su testi e contesto, in Materia Giudaica, Rivista dell’Associazione Italiana per lo studio del giudaismo XX-XXI, (2015- 2016), Firenze, Giuntina, pp. 425-429.
  • Benini C., La nuova concezione della morte nell’ebraismo italiano di età barocca: Aaron Berekyah e Leone Modena, Moshe Zacuto, in Materia Giudaica, Rivista dell’Associazione Italiana per lo studio del giudaismo XXII, (2017), Firenze, Giuntina, pp. 73-80.


  • November 2014, Ravenna

Hebrew paleography. Laboratory of Hebrew Epigraphy and Codicology placed in Cultural Heritage Department at Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna. Director Judith Olszowy-Schlanger, EPHE, section des sciences historiques et philologiques, Paris.

  • October 2015, Ravenna

Hebrew paleography. Laboratory of Hebrew Epigraphy and Codicology placed in Cultural Heritage Department at Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna. Director Judith Olszowy-Schlanger, EPHE, section des sciences historiques et philologiques, Paris.

  • October 2016, Ravenna

Hebrew paleography. Laboratory of Hebrew Epigraphy and Codicology placed in Cultural Heritage Department at Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna. Director Judith Olszowy-Schlanger, EPHE, section des sciences historiques et philologiques, Paris.

  • September 2018, Ravenna

Hebrew paleography. Laboratory of Hebrew Epigraphy and Codicology placed in Cultural Heritage Department at Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna. Director Judith Olszowy-Schlanger, EPHE, section des sciences historiques et philologiques, Paris.



Participations as listener:

  • Ferrara-Ravenna, 31 August- 2 September 2015. International congress, L’eredità

di Salomone e la magia ebraica in Italia, hosted by Departement of cultural heritage of Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna, Meis Foundation of Ferrara, with the partnership of Ferrara Municipality.

  • Ravenna- Bologna, 20-21-22 September 2016. International congress, Nuove luci sulla Bibbia e l’ebraismo: i manoscritti di Qumran a settant’anni dalla scoperta (1947-2017) e il sefer torah della Biblioteca universitaria di Bologna, hosted by University Library of Bologna and by Departement of cultural heritage of Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna, with the partnership of FSCIRE Foundation and AISG Association.
  • Modena, 3rd May 2016. Raimondo Lullo, filosofo in movimento: on 7th anniversary of the death of Raimondo Lullo (1316- 2016), hosted by St. Charles Foundation College in Modena and the network of the Civic Museums of Modena, with the partership of University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
  • Modena, 16- 17 June 2016. International congress, Ricerca storica e scrittura del passato, hosted by St. Charles Foundation College in Modena, with the partnership of Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, the Max-Weber-Kolleg, University of Erfurt, and the Modena- Reggio Emilia University
  • Modena, 22 e 23 July 2017. International congress, Tradizione. La costruzione dell’identità in prospettiva storica. In collaboration with Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, the Max-Weber-Kolleg, Universität Erfurt and the Modena- Reggio Emilia University).
  • Paris, 5 December 2017. IX journée d’études doctorales en paléographie et diplomatique hébraïques. La matérialité de l’écrit dans le monde juif, Hosted by Saprat, EPHE, Paris.


  • Juin 2017, Bologna. Ex nihilo conference, hosted by FSCIRE, Foundation of Religion Sciences of Bologna. C. Benini, Spunti di riflessione sulla concezione della morte nel giudaismo italiano di età moderna. Leone Modena, Aaron Berekyah Modena e Moshe Zacuto.
  • September 3-6, 2018, Ravenna. Convegno AISG, Nuovi contributi e ricerche sulla storia e la cultura dell’ebraismo, C. Benini, Una fonte preziosa per la biografia del rabbino Aharon Berekhyah ben Moše da Modena: dal Pinqas della confraternita modenese Chaverim Maqšivim (1599- 1659) alle fonti inquisitoriali.



  • From 2017 member of AISG (Italian Association for Jewish studies).
  • From 2014 member of twinning commettee of Fiscaglia municipality, Ferrara.
  • From 2010 member of cultural association Tracce d’Arte placed in Fiscaglia, Ferrara.
  • From 1999 member of CUSI Ferrara, CONI.


Les Mélanges offerts à Mauro Perani

Friday January 10, 2025

 sua fata fragmenta", Europeaun Genizah Texts and studies , volume 7, 
dans la collection Studies in Jewish History and Culture, volume 76, vient de paraître chez Brill. 

Call for Applications : Two Doctoral Research Contracts in Medieval Hebrew Palaeography

Thursday April 11, 2024

ERC Synergy MiDRASH (Grant N° 101071829)

Application deadline : 30 May 2024 Midnight, Central European Summer Time