Books within Books Hebrew Fragments in European Libraries today
Wednesday July 19, 2023
Chair Prof. Judith Olszowy-Schlanger (EPHE-PSL / Oxford)EAJS 2023 Frankfurt, from 2h00-->4h00 Sh 2.101
Prof. Lehnardt Andreas (Johannes Gutenberg-UniversitätMainz) : Newly discovered Hebrew Bindings Fragments from German Archives and Libraries
Leor Jacobi (Bar Ilan University) : Latin Fragments Matter : All Jewish documents in a 14th Century Girona Bookbindings
Elena Nicoletta Barile (EPHE-PSL) : Hebrew Documents and reused Fragments from the National Archives (Archivio di Stato) in Rome
Chiara Bennini (Fondazione San Carlo-Modena): New Hebrew Fragments in the State Archive of Modena